the years slipped by
life's little memories one at a time
i am full of lived moments
folding and reboxing them up
to make room for today's life
a memory slips out of my heart
my hands catch it and it holds me close
it winds it's way through my life
i welcome it taking a place in today
to join together keeping me whole
life's minutes must find a place
snug between the one before
and the one that followed
each second finds it's place
as a life lived from one to the next
the past is near wanting to live
the future looms unformed in view
today struggles to find it's breath
to live new memories
more to crowd the bursting seams
some say i am old, rest now and sleep
yes, even this old body betrays
the days it has seen now wearied
but my heart and mind are not so
they are not full they are not done
my memories and me cry out
more days more life more love
be gone you who would bid me be still
why would I refuse to live when
i am still here with much to give