Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Life Poem: In Process (MJWJ:04/03/2012)

tomorrow tomorrow
today yields
to yesterday

tomorrow tomorrow
weal or woe
dawn anon

tomorrow tomorrow
friend or foe
bring me life

tomorrow tomorrow
good or ill
see me live

tomorrow tomorrow
love prevails
come what may

Prayer is the tool to bless
Love is the power to heal

I do, I ask, each day and patiently wait … 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

let me learn

ere' the sun does set ...
... gentleness is
not weakness
nor is kindness
ignorance for
Love's gentleness
often draws
from great
strength and
Love's kindness
requires great
let me learn
gentleness and kindness

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

dreams kept in the night

crickets singing their passion in the dark
protected by the roots, dirt, and stalks
dry leaves skipping across the stone pathway
scooped  along by the quiet breeze

at my window memories of nights on a porch
while little ones slept in their beds
my desire enjoying the night’s perfume
my passion swirling through each breath

ink spilling spilled onto the page
no one would discover my brilliance
pages turning turned would soon be hidden
my dreams opened would see only the night

the passion of crickets seeking their nightly release
the joy of leaves on their final journey about the place
the evidence of unspoken unexplored passion meeting my eyes
roots, dirt, and stalk with a quiet breeze are still here

Friday, August 24, 2012

a broom and possibilities

a broom in hand
of the possibilities

ah, but alas without one
in the spaces between

to employ those uses are
left in the hand of the poet


a broom handle and head
ah, were a broom in my hand
now I would ...

the ceiling would echo
through to the floor
to the chamber within above

the floor would creak
under the weight of hearts
through the space between

a broom in hand
we would live
the possibilities

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

something that abides

have you ever held something 
in your hand 
and known you 
had held it 
sometime before 
but let it go ... 

this time 
you hold it, 
turning it over - 
this time 
to know 
answers from within your heart ... 

have you ever held something 
in your heart 
and known you 
had held it 
sometime before 
but let it go ... 

this time 
you hold it 
closer, more gently, 
and ponder it longer - 
this time 
to really know – 
to know 
the something that abides 
there lighting your way ... 

Monday, May 21, 2012

invite and find ways

gentleness and grace thrive in a garden filled with rocks ...

writing letters
that must be
must not be
are easier
when you have
invited an unseen guest
to stand beside you
a graceful "I love ..."
finds ways
to hover
in the spaces between ...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

love is perfect now ...

i did not get to say good-bye
life ripped away to
where hands are not seen
we meet until hungry chicks cry
as the dawn breaks
still we do not say good-bye                    His love is perfect now

i did not say good bye
life slipped away to
where hands are not seen
we meet until hungry chicks cry
as the dawn breaks
still we do not say goodbye                     Her love is perfect now

Saturday, April 28, 2012



listen as the wee birds sleep
'neath the shelter of their parent's wing

ah, to hear this sound
ah, to know the joy this gives their maker

listen as the children sleep
after love has tucked them into their beds

ah, to hear this sound
ah, to know the joy this gives their maker

Early Morning

early morning

birds singing
the heart's song

wings flutter
the heart's rhythm


Friday, February 10, 2012

blessing a loved one's night sleep

softly breathing
wings spreading
today’s heart
heaven accepts
as time flies
til dew appears
your feet walk
in the sun’s love

Sunday, January 29, 2012

MJWJ: 01/26/2012

Life Poem - In Process (MJWJ: 01/26/2012)

Life fell off the table ... I felt it too late
Reaching for it ... I slipped and fell

I did not notice the edge of the table as life got out of balance
The kids were growing out into families of their own - one at a time

There were 4 - Then there were none
The doubt, confusion and pain of the years blew life off into the wide open

With one hand holding firm to the table's edge
Digits fumbling round for a more sure grip

The other hand holding life in hope
My heart seeking for grace to help in this need

Prayer is the tool to bless
Love is the power to heal

I do, I ask, each day and patiently wait ...